Pop Goes the Weasel

Pop Goes the Weasel


Жанр: Детектив

Циклы: не входит в цикл

Формат: Полный

Всего в книге 89 страниц. У нас нет данных о годе издания книги.

From the international bestselling author of Eeny Meeny comes the second thriller in the truly excellent series * featuring Detective Helen Grace.

"A man s body is found in an empty house.

A gruesome memento of his murder is sent to his wife and children.

"He is the first victim, and Detective Helen Grace knows he will not be the last. But why would a happily married man be this far from home in the dead of night?

The media call it Jack the Ripper in reverse: a serial killer preying on family men who lead hidden double lives.

Helen can sense the fury behind the murders. But what she cannot possibly predict is how volatile this killer is or what is waiting for her at the end of the chase… "

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The second book in the Helen Grace series, 2014


The fog crept in from the sea, suffocating the city. It descended like an invading army, consuming landmarks, choking out the moonlight, rendering Southampton a strange and unnerving place.

Empress Road industrial estate was quiet as the grave. The body shops had shut for the day, the mechanics and supermarket workers had departed and the streetwalkers were now making their presence felt. Dressed in short skirts and bra tops, they pulled hard on their cigarettes, gleaning what little warmth they could to ward off the bone-chilling cold. Pacing up and down, they worked hard to sell their sex, but in the gloom they appeared more like skeletal wraiths than objects of desire.

The man drove slowly, his eyes raking the line of half-naked junkies. He sized them up – a sharp snap of recognition occasionally punching through – then dismissed them. They weren’t what he was looking for. Tonight he was looking for something special.

Hope jostled with fear and frustration. He had thought of nothing else for days. He was so close now, but what if it was all a lie? An urban myth? He slammed the steering wheel hard. She had to be here.

Nothing. Nothing. Noth-

There she was. Standing alone, leaning against the graffiti-embossed wall. The man felt a sudden surge of excitement. There was something different about this one. She wasn’t checking her nails or smoking or gossiping. She was simply waiting. Waiting for something to happen.

He pulled his car off the road, parking up out of sight by a chain link fence. He had to be careful, mustn’t leave anything to chance. He scanned the streetscape for signs of life, but the fog had cut them off completely. It was as if they were the only two people left in the world.

He marched across the road towards her, then checked himself, slowing his pace. He mustn’t rush this – this was something to be savoured and enjoyed. The anticipation was sometimes more enjoyable than the act – experience had taught him that. He must linger over this one. In the days ahead, he would want to replay these memories as accurately as he could.

She was framed by a row of abandoned houses. Nobody wanted to live round here any more and these homes were now hollow and dirty. They were crack dens and flophouses, strewn with dirty needles and dirtier mattresses. As he crossed the street towards her, the girl looked up, peering through her thick fringe. Hauling herself off the wall, she said nothing, simply nodding towards the nearest shell of a house before stepping inside. There was no negotiation, no preamble. It was as if she was resigned to her fate. As if she knew.

Hurrying to catch up with her, the man drank in her backside, her legs, her heels, his arousal growing all the time. As she disappeared into the darkness, he picked up the pace. He couldn’t wait any longer.

The floorboards creaked noisily as he stepped inside. The derelict house was just how he had pictured it in his fantasies. An overpowering smell of damp filled his nostrils – everything was rotten here. He hurried into the sitting room, now a repository for abandoned G-strings and condoms. No sign of her. So they were going to play ‘Chase me’, were they?

Into the kitchen. No sign. Turning, he stalked out and climbed the stairs to the second floor. With each step, his eyes darted this way and that, searching for his prey.

He marched into the front bedroom. A mildewed bed, a broken window, a dead pigeon. But no sign of the girl.

Fury now wrestled with his desire. Who was she to mess him around like this? She was a common whore. Dog shit on his shoe. He was going to make her suffer for treating him like this.

He pushed the bathroom door open – nothing – then turned and marched into the second bedroom. He would smash her stupid fa-

Suddenly his head snapped back. Pain raged through him – they were pulling his hair so tight, forcing him back, back, back. Now he couldn’t breathe – a rag was being forced over his mouth and nose. A sharp, biting odour flared up his nostrils and too late instinct kicked in. He struggled for his life, but already he was losing consciousness. Then everything went black.


They were watching her every move. Hanging on her every word.

‘The body is that of a white female, aged between twenty and twenty-five. She was found by a Community Support officer yesterday morning in the boot of an abandoned car on the Greenwood estate.’

Detective Inspector Helen Grace’s voice was clear and strong, despite the tension that knotted her stomach. She was briefing the Major Incident Team on the seventh floor of Southampton Central Police Station.

‘As you can see from the pictures, her teeth were caved in, probably with a hammer, and both her hands have been cut off. She is heavily tattooed, which might help with IDing, and you should concentrate your efforts on drugs and prostitution to begin with. This looks like a gang-related killing, rather than common-or-garden murder. DS Bridges is going to lead on this one and he’ll fill you in on particular persons of interest. Tony?’

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Секреты старого дома
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Последний Катон
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Спортивный самолет разбился.Погибли и пилот, и пассажир — состоятельный африканец Абу-Рух Ясус. Но почему несчастным случаем заинтересовался Ватикан?Почему к расследованию катастрофы подключают лучшего ватиканского палеографа Оттавию Салину — да еще и выделяют ей в помощь самого надежного из тайных агентов Ватикана и известного историка из Александрии?Возможно, дело в таинственных знаках, обнаруженных на теле погибшего?Или виной всему — старинная серебряная шкатулка с таинственными кусочками дерева, найденная в его вещах?Оттавия и ее помощники начинают расследование и постепенно понимают — возможно, им предстоит раскрыть одну из величайших загадок христианства!..

Долина Розовых водопадов
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Однажды в руки безработной журналистки Екатерины Голицыной и её друга Николая Артюхова попадает странная флешка с видеозаписью. Известный американский писатель Майкл Доусон просит помочь ему в поисках исчезнувшей жены, Лии, родители которой погибли от рук китайской секты «Чёрное Братство». Следы Лии ведут в Россию.Старая китайская легенда неожиданно оживает в наши дни. Маленький научный городок Техногорск становится центром борьбы добра и зла. Оборотни, карлики, московский вор в законе, всемогущий мэр города и сам Магистр «Черного Братства».Кто может противостоять им? К тому же Николай исчезает самым странным образом.

Шаг назад

Машина времени… найденная случайно… становится ловушкой…

Ты меня просто убиваешь

Вы думали, что Париж — самый романтичный город мира? Как бы не так! Здесь полно демонов, оборотней и прочей нечисти. И даже симпатичный мужчина вполне может оказаться не совсем человеком.Отправившись в Париж, чтобы доставить дорогую антикварную вещь новой владелице, американка Эшлинг Грэй попадает в невероятную переделку. Клиентка, к которой она так спешит, оказывается зверски убитой, а на месте преступления Эшлинг встречает сногсшибательного незнакомца, выдающего себя за детектива. Он буквально сводят ее с ума своими настойчивыми вопросами и изумрудно-зелеными глазами, а потом неожиданно исчезает, прихватив с собой антикварный кувшин.

Что ответить дарвинисту? Часть I
Жанр: Эзотерика

C современных научных позиций тотально критикуется эволюционное учение, основанное на дарвиновских механизмах.Книга выполнена, в основном, в стиле практических советов людям, которые скептически относятся к современной теории эволюции, но при этом вынуждены вступать в словесные баталии с глубоко верующими дарвинистами. Подробно объясняется, что нужно отвечать верующим дарвинистам, если те озвучивают: 1) палеонтологические, 2) молекулярно-генетические, 3) сравнительно-анатомические, 4) эмбриологические, 5) биогеографические «доказательства эволюции».Особенно подробно рассматриваются примеры наблюдаемой эволюции (потому что именно в таких случаях появляется возможность оценить, соответствуют ли механизмы, приводящие к изменениям, теоретическим положениям эволюционного учения)

Время изменить себя

Эта книга расскажет вам о том, как сотворить свой Новый Мир, свою счастливую реальность. Вы сможете стать истинным творцом свой судьбы. Научитесь понимать свою душу, творить образы и с их помощью находить решения проблем. Суть работы с образами проста: мы создаем образ, входим в него и получаем в нем возрождающее, преображающее, трансформирующее изменение. Преображайте, трансформируйте не только свою реальность, но реальность других людей.

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THE FOURTH DI HELEN GRACE THRILLER BY BESTSELLING AUTHOR M J ARLIDGE 'Helen Grace is one of the greatest heroes to come along in years' JEFFERY DEAVER In the dead of night, three raging fires light up the city skies. It's more than a tragic coincidence. For DI Helen Grace the flames announce the arrival of an evil she has never encountered before. Because this is no firestarter seeking sick thrills, but something more chilling: a series of careful, calculating acts of murder. But why were the victims chosen? What's driving the killer? And who will be next? A powder keg of fear, suspicion and dread has been laid.

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The international bestseller that "grabs the reader by the throat" (Crime Time).First in the new series featuring Detective Inspector Helen Grace.Two people are abducted, imprisoned, and left with a gun. As hunger and thirst set in, only one walks away alive.It's a game more twisted than any Detective Inspector Helen Grace has ever seen. If she hadn't spoken with the shattered survivors herself, she almost wouldn't believe them.Helen is familiar with the dark sides of human nature, including her own, but this case-with its seemingly random victims-has her baffled.

Вышел месяц из тумана…

Детектив-инспектор Хелен Грейс расследует серию преступлений, в каждом из которых похищены два человека. Похититель ставит свои жертвы перед страшным выбором – убить другого или умереть самому. Как долго продолжится эта смертельная игра, зависит только от Хелен. Ведь этими похищениями маньяк шлет послание лично ей.

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