
Жанр: Детектив

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Всего в книге 34 страницы. У нас нет данных о годе издания книги.

The worlds greatest multi-award winning crime fiction magazine is BACK after a two-year hiatus with eight hardcore short stories to rock your literary world.

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Issue 1 THUGLITIssue One

Edited by Todd Robinson

Welcome (back?) to Thuglit

I'm gonna break down this introduction into two parts to avoid confusion-first part is for the Newbies. A welcome, a how-do-ya-do to the world of the wicked that is Thuglit. The other half is for…you know who you are. You know why you're here. Let's get started, shall we?


How ya doin? New around these parts? Lemme tell ya, you're in the right place…or the worst place imaginable, depending on your sensibilities. But I'm going to plow right ahead and assume that you're reading a mag like Thuglit because you've heard of us and like your literature like we do-nasty.

You haven't heard of us? Well, in our previous incarnation, we ran for five years, then went on hiatus for the last two years. We published some early work from some of the best crime fiction scribblers on the planet. We won so many dang awards that we lost count.


We don't fuck around.

What you're about to delve into is some short fiction that will make your head spin, your heart race, and your grandma weep.

And if you're like us, you're gonna love every goddamn word.

If that's the case? Welcome. You're beginning a journey into the unwashed alley of crime fiction where the men are men, the women are women, the men are sometimes women, the women play with the big boys, and everybody's intentions lean to the unsavory.

If you're not? Go back down into your Mom's basement and blog away about how you've just wasted your Taco Bell wages.

Haters gonna hate.


How's it been, babies?

You miss us?

Aw, now…don't be like that. We missed you too.



You know you wanted this. That's why you're here. That's why you came back. I know you was mad, but we had to go away for a while. We needed some space.

But now we're back and it's gonna be better than ever.

You smell nice…

We missed you too. Mmmm, reader, you feel so good. I wanna get up in your occipital-temporal cortex where your voluptuous brain processes written language and thrust these words all deep inside you. Can you feel it? Can you feel how much I want to do it?

That sound good babies?

That feeeeel good?

And now that I've creeped everybody the hell out: Enjoy, bitches!

Todd Robinson (Big Daddy Thug)


Lucy in the Pit by Jordan Harper

If she pisses, she lives.

Lucy’s gums are bone-white, whiter that the teeth set into them. It is a sign of shock. Her body is shutting down, one system at a time. Kidneys close shop first. If she pisses, it means her body is starting up again. If she doesn’t, her blood will fill with poisons and she will die.

If Lucy was my dog I would not have matched her against Tuna. Four pounds is a serious advantage for a sixty-pound dog. It should have been a forfeit. But Jesse needed the money. I told myself that I let him get his way because he is Lucy’s owner and I am just her handler.

Icy wind off Lake Erie rocks the truck, making me swerve. I pull my hand back from Lucy’s mouth and put it back on the wheel. I must drive steady. I must not speed. I cannot risk the police pulling us over. Lucy would die on the side of the road while I sat helpless in handcuffs.

Lucy’s fur is the color of a bad day. Deep grey turned to black where the blood soaks her. Her blood is everywhere. There is gauze over a bad bleeder on the thick muscles of her neck where Tuna savaged her. I wanted to end the fight then, pick Lucy up and declare Tuna the victor. But Jesse said no. Again I let him win. And Lucy scratched the floor trying to get back in the fight.

Tough little bitch. Proud little warrior.

She cannot fight again. Her front leg will never be the same. After tonight she can retire, she can breed, she can heal. But she isn’t done yet. We both have a fight waiting for us in the hotel room.


I am a dogman. I breed fighting dogs. I train fighting dogs to fight better. I take fighting dogs to their fights and I handle them in the pit. This is what I do. It may not be your way but it is an old way. My father was a dogman. He learned the trade from my grandfather, and he taught it to me. I have seen dogs fight and bleed and die. I have cheered them on as they fought. It can be cruel.

There are dog-fighters who beat their dogs, who whip them and starve them thinking to make the dogs savage. There’s those who kill their curs, who drown them or shock them and then burn their bodies in the backyard. Some men fight their dogs to the death every time, no quarter asked for or given. Some men fight their dogs in garbage-strewn alleys with rats watching on greedily, the rats knowing they’ll get to feed on the corpse of the loser.

There is another way. In a real dog match, the kind that still draws its rules from old issues of The Police Gazette, there’s a ring about fourteen feet square. Each side has a line in the dirt, a scratch line. You set the dogs behind their scratch lines and hold on to their collars good and tight. You let them go. Each time there’s a break in the action you pull those dogs apart and put them back behind their scratch lines. If one of the dogs doesn’t scratch the earth, running in place to get back into it, the fight is over. No dog fights that doesn’t want it. It has to more than want it-it has to claw for it, it has to want it like the fight was a chunk of steak or a piece of pussy.

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Жанр: Детектив

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Медвежья пасть. Адвокатские истории
Жанр: Детектив

Как поведет себя человек в нестандартной ситуации? Простой вопрос, но ответа на него нет. Мысли и действия людей непредсказуемы, просчитать их до совершения преступления невозможно. Если не получается предотвратить, то необходимо вникнуть в уже совершенное преступление и по возможности помочь человеку в экстремальной ситуации. За сорок пять лет юридической практики у автора в памяти накопилось много историй, которыми он решил поделиться. Для широкого круга читателей.

Kill the Beast
Автор: Wind-n-Rain

Любимая подруга убита, и кажется, я знаю, кто это сделал. Он ходит рядом, но его не поймать. И пока я пыталась бороться с тьмой, что внутри, зверь подбирался всё ближе. Теперь моя цель — убить зверя.Метки: разница в возрасте, спорт, триллер, детектив, повседневность, повествование от первого лица, учебные заведения, элементы фемслэша. Без привязки к конкретной геолокации. Абстрактный город некой европейской страны, где люди носят самые разные имена.

Отель «Флогистон»

Герой рассказа, приехав на семинар, поселяется в отеле «Флогистон», где знакомится с писателем Бакалавриным. Кроме Бакалаврина у героя появляются еще несколько занимательных знакомых. Встреча с писателем помогает понять, что же происходит, когда рукописи горят…

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Гунны и Азербайджан
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Другие книги автора
The Hard Bounce
Автор: Todd Robinson
Жанр: Детектив

Boo Malone lost everything when he was sent to St. Gabriel's Home for Boys. There, he picked up a few key survival skills; a wee bit of an anger management problem; and his best friend for life, Junior. Now adults, Boo and Junior have a combined weight of 470 pounds (mostly Boo's), about ten grand in tattoos (mostly Junior's), and a talent for wisecracking banter. Together, they provide security for The Cellar, a Boston nightclub where the bartender Audrey doles out hugs and scoldings for her favorite misfits, and the night porter, Luke, expects them to watch their language.

Dirty Words
Автор: Todd Robinson
Жанр: Детектив

From the creator of the groundbreaking crime-fiction magazine THUGLIT comes…DIRTY WORDS.The first collection from award-winning short story writer, Todd Robinson.Featuring:SO LONG JOHNNIE SCUMBAG – selected for The Year's Best Writing 2003 by Writer's Digest.The Derringer Award nominated short, ROSES AT HIS FEET.THE LONG COUNT – selected as a Notable Story of the Year in Best American Mystery Stories 2005.PLUS eight more tales of in-your-face crime fiction.