The Devil in the Marshalsea

The Devil in the Marshalsea


Жанр: Исторический детектив

Циклы: не входит в цикл

Формат: Полный

Всего в книге 121 страница. У нас нет данных о годе издания книги.


Longlisted for the John Creasey Dagger Award for best debut crime novel of 2014.

London, 1727 – and Tom Hawkins is about to fall from his heaven of card games, brothels, and coffeehouses to the hell of a debtors' prison. The Marshalsea is a savage world of its own, with simple rules: those with family or friends who can lend them a little money may survive in relative comfort. Those with none will starve in squalor and disease. And those who try to escape will suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of the gaol's rutheless governor and his cronies.

The trouble is, Tom Hawkins has never been good at following rules – even simple ones. And the recent grisly murder of a debtor, Captain Roberts, has brought further terror to the gaol. While the Captain's beautiful widow cries for justice, the finger of suspicion points only one way: to the sly, enigmatic figure of Samuel Fleet.

Some call Fleet a devil, a man to avoid at all costs. But Tom Hawkins is sharing his cell. Soon, Tom's choice is clear: Get to the truth of the murder – or be the next to die.

A twisting mystery, a dazzling evocation of early 18th-Century London, The Devil in the Marshalsea is a thrilling debut novel full of intrigue and suspense.

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The first book in the Tom Hawkins series, 2014

For Joanna, Justine and Victoria,

with thanks.

‘Conscience makes ghosts walk, and departed souls appear… it works upon the imagination with an invincible force, like faith’

Daniel Defoe, The Secrets of the Invisible World Disclos’d, 1729

‘Arose about four. In the Park I saw half a Dozen Crows in very hoarse conversation together, but not understanding their Language I cou’d not devise what they were upon, but believe they was agreeing how to divide the Corps of those unhappy wretches that Dye so briefly in this Place’

John Grano, A Journal of My Life while in the Marshalsea, 1728-9


The Devil in the Marshalsea is set in the autumn of 1727 in London and Southwark, which was generally regarded as a separate town at the time. King George I had died in June. His son, George II, was now king, although he was not crowned until October. People were curious to discover what sort of a monarch he would turn out to be. (A philistine and a buffoon, if we are to believe Lord Hervey, the waspish chronicler of court life.)

The Marshalsea of 1727 is not the same prison that Dickens depicted so brilliantly in Little Dorrit. This second gaol was not opened until the turn of the 1800s and was situated further down Borough High Street. The original prison had existed since at least the fourteenth century and was set between Mermaid Court and what is now Newcomen Street.

In 1720 Britain suffered its first great modern economic catastrophe – the collapse of the South Sea Company. Thousands were ruined when the company’s stock plummeted and the devastating effects were still being felt seven years later. The London Gazette of 17-19 September 1727 was filled with commissions of bankruptcy and death notices calling on creditors to confirm any debts owed. (Not everyone was suffering. There was also a page with instructions to peers and peeresses on their coronation robes, detailing how much ermine they could wear.)

London’s debtors’ prisons were packed – which spelled misery for thousands and a splendid business opportunity for men such as William Acton, head keeper of the Marshalsea. Debtors’ prisons had been common in England for centuries. While the gaols were ultimately owned by the Crown they were privately run for profit. Debtors who had satisfied their creditors would often languish in prison for years because they had run up further debts to the gaol keeper.

It may seem odd that there was so much money to be made from debtors – until we see adverts for pay-day loans and realise there are still plenty of ways to profit from someone else’s misfortune. Many prisoners were supported by family and friends, or could pawn belongings while they looked for ways to pay off their creditors. Some even ran businesses from inside the prison walls – Sarah Bradshaw’s coffeehouse and Mack’s chophouse being two examples. ‘Women of the town’ were regular visitors. And there was indeed a barber called Trim and – exotically enough – a French fortune teller called Madame Migault living in the Marshalsea in 1727. Debtors’ prisons were meant for containment rather than correction – if you could afford to pay for food, drink and company so be it, as long as the keeper got his cut.

Dinner and Supper

A small note to avoid confusion: in the early eighteenth century dinner was usually eaten at around 2 or 3p.m. followed by a light supper later in the evening if needed. All the meals referred to in the novel are based on dishes described in John Grano’s diary written in the Marshalsea in 1728-9. And yes – they really did drink and smoke that much back then.


They did an awful lot of this, too. All the words used in the book were in currency at the time – flagrantly so. César de Saussure, a Swiss visitor to London in the 1720s, commented: ‘Englishmen are mighty swearers’, and that ‘not only the common people have this unfortunate habit’. And he was not referring just to ‘damn’ and ‘by God’.

If these swear words seem in any way anachronistic, it is perhaps because they don’t appear in the more familiar novels and plays of the time. A brief – or indeed a long – glance at ‘libertine literature’ such as Venus in the Cloister (1725) confirms that extremely strong language and graphic sex scenes are nothing new. In the coffeehouses of Covent Garden, the slums of St Giles and the debtors’ prisons of the Borough, I think we can safely assume they did not say ‘sugar’ and ‘fiddlesticks’ when there were more colourful choices available.


They came for him at midnight. There was no warning, no time to reach for the dagger hidden beneath his pillow. They had moved as silently as ghosts, crossing the prison yard and stealing up the dank, narrow staircase while he slept on, oblivious.

A guilty man should not sleep so soundly.

He woke to find a cold blade pressed to his throat. They gagged him and bound his wrists before he had the wit to cry out; dragged him so hard from the bed to his knees that the floorboards split and buckled with the force.

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Ключ Кришны
Автор: Эшвин Санги

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Треугольник короля

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Законы отцов наших
Автор: Скотт Туроу
Жанр: Триллер

Жена сенатора Эдгара застрелена среди белого дня прямо у собственного автомобиля.Дело рук гарлемской уличной банды? В этом убеждена полиция.Однако главный подозреваемый по прозвищу Хардкор утверждает — преступление заказал сын жертвы, Нил Эдгар!Но зачем состоятельному молодому человеку убивать собственную мать?Возможно, его просто хотят подставить.Так считает многоопытный адвокат Хоби Таттл, умеющий выигрывать самые безнадежные дела. И он намерен доказать это в зале суда.

Исповедь кардера

Как только вышла в свет первая банковская карта, так сразу появился человек, укравший с нее деньги. И назвался он кардером. И по сей день человек этот жив, а дело, начатое им и названное «кардинг», развивается и процветает во всем мире.Конец 90-х. Россия, полностью скинувшая с себя оболочку Советского Союза, с грохотом врывается в эпоху рыночной экономики. Люди, почувствовавшие вкус денег, начинают грести их лопатами и делят страну между собой. Казалось бы, все в нашей отчизне поделено, но подрастают новые гении финансовых афер и махинаций, и им необходима своя ниша.

Время изменить себя

Эта книга расскажет вам о том, как сотворить свой Новый Мир, свою счастливую реальность. Вы сможете стать истинным творцом свой судьбы. Научитесь понимать свою душу, творить образы и с их помощью находить решения проблем. Суть работы с образами проста: мы создаем образ, входим в него и получаем в нем возрождающее, преображающее, трансформирующее изменение. Преображайте, трансформируйте не только свою реальность, но реальность других людей.

Найди в себе француженку. Искусство быть счастливой

Яркая, мудрая, практичная, вдохновляющая, эта книга раскрывает тайну француженок и секрет их уверенности в себе. Почему француженки всегда выглядят так непревзойденно стильно? Как им удается сидеть в кафе за обедом из трех блюд и бокалом вина… в одиночестве? Что придает им сил и позволяет отказаться от чего угодно – мужчины, работы или маленького черного платья, если те не идеальны?Это больше, чем книга о моде. Это книга о французском образе жизни. Наблюдения автора о француженках и их привычках позволят вам заполучить лучшую страницу из записной книжки парижанки – страницу, которая откроет секрет, как по-настоящему наслаждаться жизнью и быть счастливой.

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The Last Confession of Thomas Hawkins

"Tom Hawkins is one of the best protagonists to come along in years. Magnificent!" – Jeffery Deaver"A terrific historical thriller." – Missourian"As good as her stellar debut… Pitch-perfect suspense." – Publishers Weekly, starred reviewLondon, 1728. Tom Hawkins is headed to the gallows, accused of murder. Gentlemen don't hang and Tom's damned if he'll be the first – he is innocent, after all. It's hard to say when Tom's troubles began. He was happily living in sin with his beloved – though their neighbors weren't happy about that.

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