The Catalyst Killing

The Catalyst Killing


Жанр: Детектив

Циклы: не входит в цикл

Формат: Полный

Всего в книге 116 страниц. У нас нет данных о годе издания книги.

The third mystery in the hugely compelling, bestselling international crime series from Norway's answer to Agatha Christie, Hans Olav Lahlum, The Catalyst Killing will have you guessing to the final clue. The first murder was only the spark… 1970: Inspector Kolbjorn Kristiansen, known as K2, witnesses a young woman desperately trying to board a train only to have the doors close before her face. The next time he sees her, she is dead… As K2 investigates, with the help of his precocious young assistant Patricia, he discovers that the story behind Marie Morgenstierne's murder really began two years ago, when a group of politically active young people set out on a walking tour in the mountains. There, one night, the party's charismatic leader – and Marie's boyfriend – Falko Reinhardt vanished without a trace. But were the relationships between this group of friends and comrades all they appeared to be? What did Marie see, that made her run for her life that day? And could both mysteries be linked to Falko's research into a cell of Norwegian Nazis he suspected may still be active? It soon becomes clear that Marie's death is not only a complex case in its own right, but will act as a catalyst in a dark set of events which will leave K2 and Patricia confronting their most dangerous and explosive investigation yet. And as the pair works hard to unravel the clues before Marie's killer can strike again, the detective fails to notice that his young assistant has her own problems to face.

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The third book in the DI Kolbjorn Kristiansen series, 2015

Translated from the Norwegian by Kari Dickson

To Mina -

who represents hope for the future

and a new generation of politically active


DAY ONE: The woman on the Lijord Line


I saw her for the first time, rather suddenly and unexpectedly, at nine minutes past ten in the evening of Wednesday, 5 August 1970.

Later that evening, I would find out the young woman’s name. But over the next seven dramatic days I would continue, in my mind, to call her ‘the woman on the Lijord Line’. Had I understood the reason for her behaviour there and then, it might not only have saved her life, but also the lives of several other people.

I had finished my evening shift a few minutes earlier with a fairly routine callout to a hotel by Smestad. If the manager there had been somewhat tense before the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, he had definitely become a touch paranoid since. He reported a new potential terrorist threat at the hotel roughly every other month. This time he had called about a guest whose behaviour was ‘suspiciously secretive’, one of the manager’s favourite expressions. The guest in question was a man who was possibly no more than thirty, though it was hard to say for certain because of his full beard and apparently suspiciously dark sunglasses. He was well dressed, spoke perfect Norwegian and had been politeness itself when he asked for a room with a balcony on the first floor. He had, however, not reserved a room in advance and did not give a postal address. The guest had said that he was not sure how long he would stay, but paid in cash for the first ten days at least. He did not want his room to be cleaned, and asked for a breakfast tray to be left in the hall outside his room every morning at nine o’clock. As long as the empty tray was put back out in the hall again, one could safely assume he was still there. And this had been the case for the past six days, but no member of staff had seen any other sign of life from the guest.

I dutifully put my ear to the wall in the hallway for a minute or two, without hearing anything suspicious, of course. I ascertained that there was no evidence of criminal activity, and said that there could be many explanations for the guest’s undeniably unusual behaviour. Then I promised to check the name he had given – Frank Rekkedal – in the police records, and asked them to contact us should there be any more grounds for concern.

For purely practical reasons – the axle on my police car had broken earlier in the day – I had taken a local train to Smestad. So, at nine minutes past ten, I boarded the train back into the city centre. It was a very quiet summer’s evening in Smestad. I had been the only passenger waiting on the platform.

It was just as I sat down that I saw her for the first time. She emerged very suddenly from the darkness on the road leading up the platform. And she was moving fast, extremely fast.

My first thought was that she must be a top athlete, as I could not remember having seen a woman run so fast before. Then I imagined that I might soon see a man with an axe or a scythe running after her. But there was no sign of any pursuer, even though I could see a good twenty to thirty yards behind her. In fact, there was no one else to be seen out there. And yet the woman ran even faster, despite her extremely tight jeans, hurtling towards the last door of the last carriage. It dawned on me that she might in fact be a madwoman as, despite her speed, she was running in a very odd way. Twice she hopped to the left at full speed, and once to the right.

Despite her tremendous exertion, she did not manage to reach the train in time. The doors slid shut right in front of her. It felt as though the entire carriage shuddered when she ran into them. For a couple of seconds, we stared at each other through the glass windows in the doors. I could see that she had long blonde hair and guessed that she was in her mid-twenties and slightly taller than average. It was, however, her face that struck me. It was a frozen mask of fear. The blue eyes that stared into mine were as wide as could be.

The doors did nothing to stop the young woman’s desperation. She hammered on them with her fists in despair and then pointed a trembling finger at me, or at something behind me.

I turned around automatically but could see no one else in the carriage. It was only once the train had left Smestad station that I realized she had been pointing at the emergency cord on the wall.

I sat and thought about this strange encounter with the woman on the Lijord Line all the way back into town. The trains were still running every twenty minutes, so it could surely not have been such a disaster that she missed it. By the time I got off at Nationaltheatret, I had dismissed the whole incident, having convinced myself that she was obviously a few sandwiches short of a picnic. I did not regret that I had lacked the sense to use the emergency brake, and thought to myself it was just as well as I would probably never see her again.

С этой книгой читают
Жанр: Детектив

Чемодан с миллионом долларов, кучка головорезов, желающих его вернуть, и это в городишке, отрезанном от мира. Что может быть хуже? Ах, да….кровососущий монстр.От Автора:Данный рассказ является частью трилогии «Последний рубеж» и повествовал о молодости Кейн и его знакомству с Изабелл. Сюжет рассказа блуждал у меня в голове больше года, и дошел до кондиции, когда нужно перенести его на бумагу. Сама «трилогия Рубежа» будет представлена публике — когда меня устроит результат. Но, если сей рассказ будет достаточно популярен, и у читателей будет желание увидеть продолжение, то я вполне могу написать ещё одну-две истории повествующие о похождениях молодого Кейна, тем самым сформировав из них полноценный роман.Так что не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии, тыкать носом в нелогичности.

Алмазный маршрут
Жанр: Детектив

Эта книга от начала до конца придумана автором. Конечно, в ней использованы некоторые подлинные материалы как из собственной практики автора, бывшего российского следователя и адвоката, так и из практики других российских юристов. Однако события, место действия и персонажи, безусловно, вымышлены. Совпадения имен и названий с именами и названиями реально существующих лиц и мест могут быть только случайными.В центре Москвы происходят убийства известных ювелиров. Но близкие уверяют, что из квартир ничего не пропало.

Half the World Away
Автор: Cath Staincliffe
Жанр: Детектив

Lori Maddox chooses to spend the year after university travelling and visits China where she finds casual work as a private English tutor. Back in Manchester, her parents Joanna and Tom, who separated when Lori was a toddler, follow her adventures on her blog. When Joanna and Tom hear nothing for weeks they become increasingly concerned, travelling out to Chengdu in search of their daughter. Landing in a totally unfamiliar country, Joanna and Tom are forced to turn detective, following in their daughter's footsteps.

Жанр: Детектив

В основу этой повести положены действительные события. 14 июля 1969 года из историко-художественного музея города Сольвычегодска была похищена пелена «Богоматерь Владимирская», изготовленная в мастерских Строгановых в первой половине XVII века. Долгое время о ней ничего не было известно, пока автор случайно не обнаружил ее в Коряжме в одной частной коллекции.Конечно, последовавшие за этим события несколько изменены, как заменены и имена действующих лиц.

Dirty Words
Автор: Todd Robinson
Жанр: Детектив

From the creator of the groundbreaking crime-fiction magazine THUGLIT comes…DIRTY WORDS.The first collection from award-winning short story writer, Todd Robinson.Featuring:SO LONG JOHNNIE SCUMBAG – selected for The Year's Best Writing 2003 by Writer's Digest.The Derringer Award nominated short, ROSES AT HIS FEET.THE LONG COUNT – selected as a Notable Story of the Year in Best American Mystery Stories 2005.PLUS eight more tales of in-your-face crime fiction.

Похороны вне очереди

Частный детектив Андрей Шальнев оказывается вовлеченным в сложную интригу: ему нужно выполнить заказ криминального авторитета Искандера - найти Зубра, лидера конкурирующей группировки. Выполняя его поручение, Андрей неожиданно встречает свою старую знакомую - капитана ФСБ Кристину Гирю, участвующую под прикрытием в спецоперации по ликвидации обеих банд.

Покойный Маттио Паскаль

Луиджи Пиранделло написал несколько романов. Самым известным из них является «Покойный Маттиа Паскаль» (1904).Герой романа ведет унылое существование в провинциальном городке, находясь на нищенском жалованье библиотекаря и проводя время среди пыльных книг, которых никто не читает, и мышей. Семейные дрязги, смерть детей, одинокие прогулки по пляжу, чтобы хоть как-то убить время и отделаться от скуки, и, конечно, мечты об освобождении. Неожиданно случай помогает Маттиа – он выигрывает в рулетку крупную сумму денег.

Тайна малиновой воды
Жанр: Сказка

Мне всегда нравилась твоя дружба с игрушками. Ты отлично понимала их, а они понимали тебя. Помню, как ты скучала без своих игрушечных друзей, когда лежала в больнице, как просила меня рассказывать про них все-все. И я старался, даже ночевал иногда на диванчике рядом с ними. Вот только разговаривать по-игрушечному не успел научиться. Зато уж сказок да необыкновенных историй наслушался вдоволь. Я и не знал раньше, что по ночам, когда люди засыпают и в доме наступает тишина, игрушки с удовольствием рассказывают друг дружке о всевозможных приключениях.


Жёсткая SF. Параквел к сочинениям Стругацких. Имеет смысл читать тем, кто более или менее помнит, что такое Институт Экспериментальной Истории, кто такие прогрессоры и зачем нужна позитивная реморализация.

Здоровье мужчины после сорока. Домашняя энциклопедия

«Осенняя пора жизни» наступает не только у слабой половины человечества. Подобное испытание природа приготовила и для мужчин. Депрессия, вызванная неуверенностью в своих силах, загоняет многих в тупик. Но проблема, которую каждый пытается решить по-своему, на самом деле вполне разрешима. Следует понять, что наступление климакса – не конец полноценной жизни. Крайне важно в этот период сохранить физическое здоровье и эмоциональное равновесие. Эта книга станет союзником в замедлении старости и профилактике патологического климакса.

Другие книги автора

Убит бывший лидер норвежского Сопротивления и бывший член кабинета министров Харальд Олесен. Его тело обнаружено в запертой квартире, следов взлома нет, орудие убийства отсутствует. На звук выстрела к двери Олесена сбежались все соседи, но никого не увидели. Инспектор уголовного розыска Колбьёрн Кристиансен считает, что убийство, скорее всего, совершил кто-то из них. Более того, он полагает, что их показания лживы.

Satellite People
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A gripping, evocative, and ingenious mystery which pays homage to Agatha Christie, Satellite People is the second Norwegian mystery in Hans Olav Lahlum's series. Oslo, 1969: When a wealthy man collapses and dies during a dinner party, Norwegian Police Inspector Kolbjorn Kristiansen, known as K2, is left shaken. For the victim, Magdalon Schelderup, a multimillionaire businessman and former resistance fighter, had contacted him only the day before, fearing for his life. It soon becomes clear that every one of Schelderup's 10 dinner guests is a suspect in the case.

The Human Flies
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Oslo, 1968: ambitious young detective Inspector Kolbjorn Kristiansen is called to an apartment block, where a man has been found murdered. The victim, Harald Olesen, was a legendary hero of the Resistance during the Nazi occupation, and at first it is difficult to imagine who could have wanted him dead. But as Detective Inspector Kolbjorn Kristiansen (known as K2) begins to investigate, it seems clear that the murderer could only be one of Olesen's fellow tenants in the building. Soon, with the help of Patricia – a brilliant young woman confined to a wheelchair following a terrible accident – K2 will begin to untangle the web of lies surrounding Olesen's neighbors; each of whom, it seems, had their own reasons for wanting Olesen dead.

Chameleon People
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From the international bestselling author, Hans Olav Lahlum, comes Chameleon People, the fourth murder mystery in the K2 and Patricia series.1972. On a cold March morning the weekend peace is broken when a frantic young cyclist rings on Inspector Kolbjorn 'K2' Kristiansen's doorbell, desperate to speak to the detective.Compelled to help, K2 lets the boy inside, only to discover that he is being pursued by K2's colleagues in the Oslo police. A bloody knife is quickly found in the young man's pocket: a knife that matches the stab wounds of a politician murdered just a few streets away.The evidence seems clear-cut, and the arrest couldn't be easier.