36 Arguments for the Existence of God

36 Arguments for the Existence of God


Жанр: Современная проза

Циклы: не входит в цикл

Формат: Полный

Всего в книге 150 страниц. У нас нет данных о годе издания книги.

"A hilarious novel about people's existential agonies, a page-turner about the intellectual mysteries that obsess them… deeply moving and a joy to read." – Jonathan Safran Foer

After Cass Seltzer's book becomes a surprise best seller, he's dubbed 'the atheist with a soul' and becomes a celebrity. He wins over the stunning Lucinda Mandelbaum, 'the goddess of game theory,' and loses himself in a spiritually expansive infatuation. A former girlfriend appears: an anthropologist who invites him to join in her quest for immortality through biochemistry. And he is haunted by reminders of the two people who ignited his passion to understand religion: his mentor and professor – a renowned literary scholar with a suspicious obsession with messianism – and an angelic six-year-old mathematical genius who is heir to the leadership of a Hasidic sect. Each encounter reinforces Cass's theory that the religious impulse spills over into life at large.

36 Arguments for the Existence of God plunges into the great debate of our day: the clash between faith and reason. World events are being shaped by fervent believers at home and abroad, while a new atheism is asserting itself in the public sphere. On purely intellectual grounds the skeptics would seem to have everything on their side. Yet people refuse to accept their seemingly irrefutable arguments and continue to embrace faith in God as their source of meaning, purpose, and comfort.

Through the enchantment of fiction, award-winning novelist and MacArthur Fellow Rebecca Newberger Goldstein shows that the tension between religion and doubt cannot be understood through rational argument alone. It also must be explored from the point of view of individual people caught in the raptures and torments of religious experience in all their variety.

Using her gifts in fiction and philosophy, Goldstein has produced a true crossover novel, complete with a nail-biting debate ('Resolved: God Exists') and a stand-alone appendix with the thirty-six arguments (and responses) that propelled Seltzer to stardom.

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© 2009

For Danielle

Beloved skeptic and poet

I The Argument from the Improbable Self

Something shifted, something so immense you could call it the world.

Call it the world.

The world shifted, catching lots of smart people off guard, churning up issues you had thought had settled forever beneath the earth’s crust. The more sophisticated you are, the more annotated your mental life, the more taken aback you’re likely to feel, seeing what the world’s lurch has brought to light, thrusting up beliefs and desires you had assumed belonged to an earlier stage of human development.

What is this stuff, you ask one another, and how can it still be kicking around, given how much we already know? It looks like the kind of relics that archeologists dig up and dust off, speculating about the beliefs that once had animated them, to the best that they can be reconstructed, gone as they are now, those thrashings of proto-rationality and mythico-magical hypothesizing, and nearly forgotten.

Now it’s all gone unforgotten, and minds that have better things to think about have to divert precious neuronal resources to figuring out how to knock some sense back into the species. It’s a tiresome proposition, having to take up the work of the Enlightenment all over again, but it’s happened on your watch. You ought to have sent up a balloon now and then to get a read on the prevailing cognitive conditions, the Thinks watching out for the Think-Nots. Now you’ve gone and let the stockpiling of fallacies reach dangerous levels, and the massed weapons of illogic are threatening the survivability of the globe.

None of this is particularly good for the world, but it has been good for Cass Seltzer. That’s what he’s thinking at this moment, gazing down at the frozen river and regarding the improbable swerve his life has lately taken. He’s thinking his life has gotten better because the world has gone bonkers. He’s thinking zealots proliferate and Seltzer prospers.

It’s 4 a.m., and Cass Seltzer is standing on Weeks Bridge, the graceful arc that spans the Charles River near Harvard University, staring down at the river below, which is in the rigor mortis of late February in New England. The whole vista is deserted beyond vacancy, deserted in the way of being inhospitable to human life. There’s not a car passing on Memorial Drive, and the elegant river dorms are darkened to silent hulks, the most hyperkinetic of undergraduates sedated to purring girls and boys.

It’s not like Cass Seltzer to be out in the middle of an icy night, lost in thought while losing sensation in his extremities. Excitement had gotten the better of him. He had lain in his bed for hours, mind racing, until he gave up and crawled out from under the luxe comforter that his girlfriend, Lucinda Mandelbaum, had brought with her when she moved in with him at the end of June. This comforter has pockets for the hands and feet and a softness that’s the result of impregnation with aloe vera. As a man, Cass had been skeptical, but he’s become a begrudging believer in Lucinda’s comforter, and in her Tempur-Pedic pillow, too, suffused with the fragrance of her coconut shampoo, making it all the more remarkable that he’d forsake his bed for this no-man’s stretch of frigid night.

Rummaging in the front closet for some extra protection, he had pulled out, with a smile he couldn’t have interpreted for himself, a long-forgotten item, the tricolor scarf that his ex-wife, Pascale, had learned to knit for him during the four months when she was recovering from aphasia, four months that had produced, among other shockers, an excessively long French flag of a wool scarf, which he wound seven and a half times around his neck before heading out into the dark to deal with the rush in his head.

Lucinda’s away tonight, away for the entire bleak week to come. Cass is missing Lucinda in his bones, missing her in the marrow that’s presently crystallizing into ice. She’s in warmer climes, at a conference in Santa Barbara on “Non-Nash Equilibria in Zero-Sum Games.” Among these equilibria is one that’s called the Mandelbaum Equilibrium, and it’s Cass’s ambition to have the Mandelbaum Equilibrium mastered by the time he picks her up from the airport Friday night.

Technically, Lucinda’s a psychologist, like Cass, only not like Cass at all. Her work is so mathematical that almost no one would suspect it has anything to do with mental life. Cass, on the other hand, is about as far away on the continuum as you can get and still be in the same field. He’s so far away that he is knee-deep in the swampy humanities. Until recently, Cass had felt almost apologetic explaining that his interest is in the whole wide range of religious experience-a bloated category on anyone’s account, but especially on Cass’s, who sees religious frames of mind lurking everywhere, masking themselves in the most secular of settings, in politics and scholarship and art and even in personal relationships.

For close to two decades, Cass Seltzer has all but owned the psychology of religion, but only because nobody else wanted it, not anyone with the smarts to do academic research in psychology and the ambition to follow through. It had been impossible to get grants, and the prestigious journals would return his manuscripts without sending them out for peer review. The undergraduates crowded his courses, but that counted, if anything, as a strike against him in his department. The graduate students stayed away in droves. The sexy psychological research was all in neural-network modeling and cognitive neuroscience. The mind is a neural computer, and the folks with the algorithms ruled.

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Лицей 2019. Третий выпуск

И снова 6 июня, в день рождения Пушкина, на главной сцене Литературного фестиваля на Красной площади были объявлены шесть лауреатов премии «Лицей». В книгу включены тексты победителей — прозаиков Павла Пономарёва, Никиты Немцева, Анастасии Разумовой и поэтов Оксаны Васякиной, Александры Шалашовой, Антона Азаренкова. Предисловие Ким Тэ Хона, Владимира Григорьева, Александра Архангельского.

Лицей 2020. Четвертый выпуск

Церемония объявления победителей премии «Лицей», традиционно случившаяся 6 июня, в день рождения Александра Пушкина, дала старт фестивалю «Красная площадь» — первому культурному событию после пандемии весны-2020. В книгу включены тексты победителей — прозаиков Рината Газизова, Сергея Кубрина, Екатерины Какуриной и поэтов Александры Шалашовой, Евгении Ульянкиной, Бориса Пейгина. Внимание! Содержит ненормативную лексику! В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Лицей 2021. Пятый выпуск

20 июня на главной сцене Литературного фестиваля на Красной площади были объявлены семь лауреатов премии «Лицей». В книгу включены тексты победителей — прозаиков Катерины Кожевиной, Ислама Ханипаева, Екатерины Макаровой, Таши Соколовой и поэтов Ивана Купреянова, Михаила Бордуновского, Сорина Брута. Тексты произведений печатаются в авторской редакции. Используется нецензурная брань.

Рассказы о пережитом
Автор: Добри Жотев

Издательская аннотация в книге отсутствует. Сборник рассказов. Хорошо (назван Добри) Александров Димитров (1921–1997). Добри Жотев — его литературный псевдоним пришли от имени своего деда по материнской линии Джордж — Zhota. Автор любовной поэзии, сатирических стихов, поэм, рассказов, книжек для детей и трех пьес.

Упадальщики. Отторжение
Автор: Tony Lonk

Первая часть из серии "Упадальщики". Большое сюрреалистическое приключение главной героини подано в гротескной форме, однако не лишено подлинного драматизма. История начинается с трагического периода, когда Ромуальде пришлось распрощаться с собственными иллюзиями. В это же время она потеряла единственного дорогого ей человека. «За каждым чудом может скрываться чья-то любовь», – говорил её отец. Познавшей чудо Ромуальде предстояло найти любовь. Содержит нецензурную брань.

Город скорби

Астрахань. На улицах этого невзрачного города ютятся фантомы: воспоминания, мертвецы, порождения воспалённого разума. Это не просто история, посвящённая маленькому городку. Это история, посвящённая каждому из нас. Автор приглашает вас сойти с ним в ад человеческой души. И возможно, что этот спуск позволит увидеть то, что до этого скрывалось во тьме. Посвящается Дарье М., с любовью.

Ложе Люцифера, или Who is Mr.Light?
Автор: Клиомена

Любителям темных сил, загадочных мужчин и эротических фантазий!Он — темный Князь, Люциан, Ифер и еще множество воплощений.Она — его плоть и кровь, его женщина, его Княгиня.Нужна ли нежность, мягкость, легкость в отношениях между владыкой подземного царства и его избранницей, или же огненная страсть, жесткость, властность, требовательность…NB! Особам до 16, глубоко религиозным, а также ханжам и пуританам читать не рекомендуется.

Невеста по почте
Автор: Рэй Морган

У героинь трех романов, вошедших в специальный «весенний» сборник, разные судьбы, разные характеры, но их объединяет одно: вера в счастливую силу любви.Ведь любовь… и еще раз любовь составляет смысл человеческой жизни.

Волшебный конь

«Жил старик со своею старухой;Во всю жизнь они были бездетны;Вот на мысль им однажды вдруг вспало,Что лета их уже пожилые,Помирать в скором времени надо…».

Мужицкая сметка

«Живал мужичок несчастливый да бедный,Детей полон дом, а именья всего-тоОдин старый гусь; он берег его долго,Да голод не тетка: случилось однажды,Что нечего есть – хоть бы крошка съестного!..».